Can I Put A Clear Coat Over Painted Cabinets?

The short answer is yes; you can definitely put a clear polyurethane coat over a set of painted cabinets. In fact, this kind of coating is essential for painted cabinets. When it isn’t coated with something like this, paint can easily be scratched and scraped away. Before long, exposure to the air will cause it to dry, crack, and (eventually) chip away. Even a tiny scratch will eventually start to peel away. In the old days, there was no solution except to repaint the cabinet. However, modern polyurethane coatings allow us to protect things for much longer.

Of course, a plasticized coating like this can still be dented or scratched (if enough force is applied). However, because it is clear, these flaws will not be noticeable unless inspected very closely. So, to recap the answer to this question: You should always use a clear coat on painted cabinets unless you feel like doing a lot of repainting.

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William Stewart

The proud owner and lead writer of Started writing in 2018 and sharing his love and passion for wood treatments and crafts.

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