
Neil Parry asked 6 months ago

Hi there William
My question is we recently bought a walnut timber sideboard/dresser ( Strongbow Furniture
UK)to use in the bathroom as a vanity unit. It has also been refurbished with I think an orange oil on the top and legs and then painted with a prueco paint which Is an Australian company (silk finish paint) in between.
What is the best product to waterproof it and also the method please
Thank you Neil

1 Answers
William Stewart Staff answered 4 months ago

Hi Neil,

You have many options depending on what look and protection you’re after. If you’re unsure what paint finish is on the dresser, I’d pick a shellac, as shellac is pretty agnostic when it comes to finishes and goes on over almost anything. If you want ultimate water protection, water-based polyurethane goes on easily, seals well, and dries quickly without too many fumes. Finally, if you don’t want to compromise the color or sheen in any way, use a dead flat varnish. It’ll look slightly shiny when wet but dries dead flat and clear. The method for all three would be to clean the dresser with detergent and let it dry thoroughly, thin the first couple of coats of sealer considerably, and lightly denibbing each coat once dry with 400 grit sandpaper (except the last coat). I’d be tempted to apply three coats.

Links here:

Exterior Dead Flat Varnish
General Finishes High Performance Water Based Topcoat
Rust-Oleum Zinsser 304H 1-Quart Bulls Eye Clear Shellac